School Uniform
Online Site
To purchase our school uniform, please click on the link above. It’s free delivery to school which will be every week or you can have it delivered to your home address.
If you buy during the holiday and want to pick it up from school, it will be delivered to school on our first day back.
Please click here to go to the website, then scroll down the homepage and click on our school logo.
May we ask you to put your child's name in any uniform, PE kit or coats. We always have lots of unclaimed lost property without names in. Pupils are asked to bring a book bag to school.
Pupils are asked to wear a school uniform which consists of
A red school sweatshirt
A white polo shirt, shirt or blouse
Black or dark grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
Summer uniform for girls – red & white gingham or striped dresses.
For safety reasons girls shoes must be flat-heeled.
Please note: There is no requirement for children to wear school uniform embroidered with the school logo. Please feel free to purchase non-branded school uniform from local supermarkets to avoid unnecessary costs.
Recycled school uniform is available, just call the school office for more information.
PE Kit
All pupils must wear the PE kit of Plain White T-shirt and Plain Red Shorts. Leggings will only be allowed in special circumstances. If the weather is deemed to be too cold, then tracksuit bottoms and a warmer top will be permitted for outdoor PE in the colder months. Pupils need to have suitable footwear for PE, such as trainers.
Please note: There are no exceptions for pupils not wearing the school PE kit.
In the interests of health and safety for themselves and others children should not wear jewellery for school. Watches are permissible but must be removed for P.E. If earrings are worn they should be studs and must be removed for P.E. Earrings are not encouraged, but a single stud in each ear lobe is acceptable. These cannot be worn during P.E. sessions. If ears have been recently pierced, they need to be covered by Elastoplasts provided by parents/carers.
At some point in KS2, pupils will take part swimming lessons. Pupils are required to bring the following kit in a suitable bag to change into at the swimming pool.
Girls: one piece costume/towel
Boys: swimming trunks/shorts/towel