The Picnic - Wednesday 15th July 2020
We do not want the year to end without having the chance to say a proper farewell to our year 6 pupils.
We are therefore having a Year 6 Leavers' Picnic Celebration on Wednesday 15th July between 1.30pm - 3.00pm on the school playing field.
Owing to the COVID-19 situation, unfortunately it is only for pupils. We are not able to allow parents to attend.
If you wish your child to attend, you MUST BOOK IN by phoning the school office on 01482 343690
Pupils are asked to bring their own picnic blanket/snacks/drinks.
Our annual leavers' certificates and special awards will be presented at this time.
School uniform is not needed.
During this event, we will be maintaining Social Distancing protocols. There will be no signing of books/shirts and pupils will be asked to leave if they do not follow the rules.
We are hoping that this will give our year 6s an opportunity to have a fun and memorable last get-together with their Stepney friends. We have really missed the traditional year 6 production, outward bound visits, disco and parties so it will be a poignant way to say farewell.