Dear Parents and Carers,
First of all, many thanks for all of your support during the first half of the autumn term. Our pupil attendance has been the strongest for years at 96.8% which just reinforces that you value the benefits of your child being in school. These are certainly difficult times for all of us but we want to make your child's experience at school as positive as ever, both in terms of academic opportunities and being safe and healthy.
We truly hope that school can continue as usual but, like you, we are all watching the news and the national developments. On Thursday this week, the country is going into a four week lockdown but we will be open and continuing to provide an safe and healthy environment for your child's education.
We've been informed that some families are self isolating due to family members testing positive. Please be rest assured that we look at all cases individually, we work closely with our trust and Local Authority to ensure that government guidelines are followed and act accordingly.
In Hull, there have been some primary and secondary schools where a bubble (a group of classes) has had to go into lockdown and self-isolate for a few weeks, due to a positive COVID results and symptoms.
We have put a number of things in place, which you need to be aware of, including new Remote Learning pages on our school website – these will be crucially important in the weeks and months to come. Please go onto our website and click on the Home Learning Tab to take you to the following page: These pages will give you and your child access to learning and resources and year group email addresses.
Here is what will happen if pupils have to go into isolation: please see the important letter below, which was sent out to you before half term.