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  • Writer's pictureHayley Jackson

Reopening of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Only Today

REOPENING TODAY for Reception, Years 1 and 2 but CLOSED for Nursery

In addition to closing Key Stage 2 until Friday 4th we had to close the lower school classes yesterday. This was a precautionary measure, owing to information about an isolated case. It was not connected to the isolated cases in KS2 and is NOT part of an outbreak at our school. Owing to reduced staffing (because of different reasons which the COVID situation is either contributing to directly or indirectly) we are having to keep our nursery closed at the moment. We will give you a restart time as soon as possible. The health, safety and welfare of pupils, families and staff continues to be of paramount importance and we want to limit the spreading of this virus. The closing of any part of our school is not taken lightly. While other schools have been closing bubbles of classes during the last weeks, we have been able to keep our school fully open, so it is a disappointment that we are having to close some year groups now. We hope to get back to normal working conditions as soon as possible. Please contact the school office if you have any questions or problems. Thank you.

We will be texting parents to give your further details.

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