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  • shawc167

February Half Term!

We have a staff training day on Friday 18th February, pupils will be off school on this day plus the following week. This is for the February Half Term week. Pupils need to return to school on Monday 28th February.

After Half Term our start and finish times will go back to the normal school times, all pupils will start at 8.55am and finish at 3.15pm. Please make sure that your child arrives promptly, EYFS and KS1 via the Beverley Road entrance and KS2 via the Stepney Lane entrance. The gates are open from 8.45am and will close at 9.10am.

Breakfast club is available from 8am, your child can enjoy a free breakfast of a selection of cereals, bagels or toast. Last admissions to the breakfast club is 8.30am.

We hope you and your families have an enjoyable break and we thank you for all of your support so far this term.

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