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  • Writer's pictureHayley Jackson

Easter Holidays - Last Day of Spring Term

This is the last day of the spring term. The school will be closed from tomorrow for two weeks plus one day as part of the Easter Holiday. Pupils will return to school on Tuesday 13th April (there is a staff training day on Monday 12th). It has been the most unusual spring term that anyone could have imagined. From Christmas through to Monday 8th March, we were only open to children of key workers and vulnerable pupils. We have had three weeks with everyone back in school apart from some members of staff who had been told by the government that they needed to shield. Even so, we are still working in bubbles. Fortunately, we have managed to get to Easter without any bubbles having to go into isolation. This has not been the case for other schools in the city. One nearby primary school had to close completely for a two day deep clean last week and others have had bubbles closing again. As the national vaccination programme continues and more and more people are getting their jabs, we will hopefully get back to a normal schedule. One of these 'norms' will be having some after school clubs running. There will be more details about this at the start of the summer term. In the meantime, we hope that you will have a good holiday.

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