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  • Writer's pictureHayley Jackson

A Big Thank You to Parents, Pupils & Staff

On behalf of all the staff and governors at Stepney, we would like to say a Big Thank You to our parents and pupils. This half term has been another very difficult one for everyone. Our staff have been working extremely hard getting resources ready, marking work and meeting pupils in the Google Classrooms or via Tapestry (for our Nursery and Reception Classes). In addition, they have still been teaching the children who have been in school because their parents are critical workers. I would like to publically thank every member of our staff team for their dedication and commitment to helping our pupils and their families. We work as a very strong team at Stepney and the staff have once again risen to the challenges that this lockdown has created.

However, we certainly could not have done this without the utterly brilliant support, help and encouragement from so many parents. We understand that it has been difficult for you on many fronts, including juggling your own work with your children's online remote learning. Our pupils have also been incredible. For youngsters, we know they greatly miss being with their friends and learning in school. Although the Prime Minister said last night that going on holidays "is illegal" (who would have thought we would ever hear someone saying that about holidays) we hope you can feel as though you have had a holiday of sorts next week. After that, the date the government has given us all for the end of the lockdown is the 8th March. We have our fingers firmly crossed that this will be the case - there is no guarantee with this at the moment though.

Many thanks once again.

Mr Browning (Head Teacher)

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