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Stepney Primary School is a Co-operative Trust School that continues to work in partnership with the Local Authority. The school’s Admissions Policy and Arrangements are in line with the Local Authority agreed policy, details of which are given below.

Admissions to Reception or any other year group

Pupils are admitted to school in the September of the school year in which they have their 5th birthday. The Local Authority Admissions Team will contact you in the Summer Term prior to admission in the Autumn Term.

Admission to the school is in accordance with the criteria laid down in the Kingston Upon Hull Admissions to Primary School Booklet. This gives priority to children living within the school’s catchment area and those with siblings already attending the school.

All applications for a place into the school Reception classes are dealt with via the Local Authority, but do contact us to view the school and meet us.

School Admissions Team

2nd Floor, Guildhall,
Alfred Gelder Street, Hull HU1 2AA

Tel: 01482 300 300

Text phone: 01482 300 349


School Appeals

If we are unable to offer you a place at Stepney Primary School, please contact the Admissions Department at Hull City Council, who will provide you with an appeal form. Details of how to appeal will be on your appeal form.

Your appeal will be heard within 20 school days of the closing date for appeals by an independent panel arranged locally by the Trust.  If you have any queries regarding an appeal, please contact Mrs Harrison on (01482) 342229.

To view the Hull Transition Good Practice Guide,

please follow this link:

Stepney Primary School Admissions Policy 2023-2024​​

Stepney Primary School Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Stepney Primary School Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Stepney Primary School Admissions Policy 2026-2027

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